Depending on the season, the garden features rows of lettuce, chard, kale, garlic, rosemary, mint, and calendula. Our staff use organic practices year-round, as well as drip-irrigation for watering crops.

Thanks to the folks at the California Native Plants Society, we are the lucky recipients of many native plants, including toyon, sage brush, sticky monkey flower, and Douglas iris. These plants are food plants for lots of pollinators and other species.

If heading towards our garden, you might notice our animal friends. Our two goats, Rufous and Buckeye, are brothers and love chewing on willow leaves. Our ram goes by the name of Duke and he is one of the most friendly animals around.

Our uneaten food goes into our composing system rather than a landfill. With heat, hay, and time, this food decomposes thanks to the hard work of fungi, bacteria, and invertebrates. The remaining nutritious matter goes back into our garden!

Our butterfly garden is home to clumps of milkweed to feed and host the migrating monarchs. American ladies, buckeyes, and swallowtails are common visitors to this space.