This boulder is next to the main road, towards the entrance of our property. Holes throughout the rock, some six inches deep, show signs where the Coast Miwok ground acorns for a nutritious soup and mush. Tanbark oak, which drops its acorns each fall, offered a delicious staple food, that was processed here, at this rock.
Grinding Rock

The Coast Miwok are from areas of Novato, Marshall, Tomales, San Rafael, Petaluma and Bodega. Their story is one of powerful resilience amidst colonizing forces. You can find out more about their tribe on their official website here.

The Coast Miwok are recognized today as the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, a group that includes the Southern Pomo people. Greg Sarris is the current Tribal Chairman. Many tribe members live in their ancestral territory today and celebrate their growing path towards self-sufficiency as a tribe.