Through hands-on observations and scientific experiments, students will create models to explain why salmon are found at Walker Creek Ranch. Any classroom lessons about ecology, habitat, or salmon ahead of the trip would be beneficial. To assist with this, we have provided the following Salmon Focused Pre-trip Activities and General Pre-trip Activities
Pre-trip activities

Our goal is that students will take what they have learned at Walker Creek Ranch and apply these ideas and lessons when they return home. To assist with this, we have provided the following Post-Trip Activities.
Post-trip activities

As an outdoor education program, our chief goal is that students receive quality science education, strengthen bonds with their peers, and increase their environmental awareness. We want students to leave with the confidence that they are the much-needed stewards of the land.

To us, equity and inclusion means forming a program that reflects and celebrates the communities we serve. We find strength in diversity, and welcome all people to explore the excitement of discovery in nature. We believe that accessing the outdoors is a basic right for all, and that we have the open space to provide it.